
Thursday, October 26, 2006

i'm so excited!

A few new cuties for the ebay shop!
Today I was contacted with the view of supplying some of my cuties in bulk....of course I said yes, then had the I am excited again! I had to go shopping for more felt (big J couldn't quite believe I needed more felt but I really did!!) and also for more buttons....I will post those pictures on Sunday...I only went to buy a few (yeah right) and I got my few and a few extra and then I spotted a big basket full of odd buttons sitting on the floor looking it is sitting on my fl0or looking very happy !!
Strange how I only have Thursday and Sunday off work and that the order came in today...a good omen that I think!!
OOOhhhh I'm so little cuties are going to be on sale in covent garden.....yippeee!
I forgot to ask if I could put a link here so I will do when I know.
(watch out Nia, world domination phase I is in progress!!)
Oh and a little message to my ebay buyers: the shop may get a little thin on the ground whilst i'm making my large order so if you need anything please just email me....i'm sure i'm due some holiday from my day job!!!!
And another message to my sisterini: hello! love you can't wait for the party :-)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What a busy week!!

Wow it's nice to be back!

I haven't been away from home but I have been away from blogworld (mine and all the ones I read everyday) for the past week or so.

At my day job I have been working 6 day weeks and still trying to do all my crafting too!!
I have had a couple of special orders to make for people this week so something had to go (housework and the blog!!)

So today was a day off and now the house is clean and tidy, the laundry is done and so is the food shopping (not all by me, big J helped loads too cos he is the bestest boyfriend ever!)

AND I have had time to snap some pictures of my special orders, which are now packed and waiting for me to take them to the post office

5 little bunny rabbits for a lady raising money for a rabbit rescue charity

These are all for one lady who sells handmade items at coffee mornings etc
I think the top photo is like a school photo, all nicely lined up and smiling (no one has their eyes shut though!)
Another photo of the same group....I almost couldn't bring myself to pack them!! It is silly really but I wanted to keep them all!! Bye bye cuties..... I hope they all go to good homes :-)
This final shot is to show you the new tags that I designed especially. I did them on the computer and printed them on textured cream stiff paper. I have included the address for this blog so maybe one day someone will leave a comment to say they bought one of my cuties!
Hopefully I will be back to crafting normality this week, I have a day off this week (if it all goes to plan) so I should be a busy bee filling the shops up
See you later xxx

Monday, October 16, 2006

The shops are getting fuller

oooh another collage picture..............I like that button on picassa ;-)

So I have added to the ebay shop and the etsy shop....I'm slowly getting them to the levels I would like them to be.
I have a list with everything in the shops on it and beside the amount of stock that I have I have a figure of the amount I would like to have.....never ever have I managed it yet......but that is a good thing because I keep selling things :-)
Todays to do list is being ignored, I have a busy day ahead of me at work and this evening I'm going to relax and phone all the people I haven' t phoned in way too long. But then tomorrow I am going to start afresh and try to fill the shop up again...take care and if you are feeling hectic just ignore your todo list, it's made me feel so much better !!

a birthday surprise...

So I mentioned here that it was my birthday and look what came through the door......
A gorgeous handmade card and a little surprise package just for me :-)

Three bundles of gorgeous ribbon for me ..... I'm so lucky !

Thank you again Nia, such a friendly and generous surprise :-)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

oh why doesn't it work today ???

i have taken lots of lovely pics of things to blog....only blogger won't let me upload them!!
maybe later.... in the meantime check out the shops, they both have new things in them :-)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's my birthday !!

I decided to celebrate my birthday by opening an etsy shop!!
There is only one item in there so far (celebrating to do, you know!) but take a look, I will be selling my bigger items here along with: vintage fabric, bulk buys of toppers and embellishments (still all hand made) and other bigger beautiful things.......