
Saturday, September 30, 2006

a day off the day job = more work !!

I did make a bag on my day off and it looks like this.......

It is made from a lovely grey flecky wool / tweed fabric which is soft and cuddly....I lined it with a beige cotton and the inside pockets are topped off with denyse schmidt fabric. yum.
This is the cheque book cover i made, from the same beige cotton and the patterned piece is from the stash..

It flaps open and inside are two pockets for my cheque book and paying in book and bills (YUCK) etc etc. I used it at the bank on thursday and it was nice to use. it made going to the bank nice because i got to look at the new thing i had made!!!!

This is from the lady who bought the monkey (remember, best customer ever!!) It was my day off and the postman came with an electric bill (which is now in the cheque book cover ;-))) and another envelope. This is what I found when I opened it

I mean, how lucky am I?? It's just gorgeous and I love it. I really do just keep picking it up and looking at it......maybe a denim purse with it as a trim.....or a box.....or i may just keep it and keep looking at it for a while :-) anyone else do that or is it just me??

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

a busy few days....

I've had a busy few days sewing away and here are the new items for the shop, a few things for Christmas and a few more flowers and hearts.
I love the pic, it is done on Picassa using the collage button....I love it!
It's a 'day off the day job' day and I think I may make a new bag..............

Sunday, September 24, 2006

It started with a monkey

So, my favorite customer placed an order or a few small pieces and a monkey....I had made a small monkey for my neice a few weeks ago and mentioned it to said customer and tra la la laaaaaaaa here is my new creation....... A MONKEY!!! He is about 25cm tall (including tail) much larger than the pieces I normally make...and I love him!
The recipient is under strict instructions to not look here until her parcel if you are reading this stop RIGHT NOW !!

Here is the monkey............

and these are the other items I made for the same customer...

and then i got to thinking......I want to make more they all are!!!!
They are currently residing in my ebay shop and are awaiting new homes.......

Friday, September 22, 2006

the moral of the story? always ALWAYS read the free ads!!

i saw this roll, which looked interesting....
...and it was this gorgeous roll of vinyl !! oh so cath kidston!!

Now the only problem?? what the hell do i make first.....and how do i brng myself to attack these gorgeous fabrics with a pair of scissors???

Maybe i will sit and stare at them for a few hours more.....I am in love......

oh my god 2

and there is more....................................

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pink and white pincushion swap

This is the tortoise I made for the Pink and white pincushion swap on swapbot ( ) and I know my partner has received it so now I can show him here !

Doesn't he look happy to be going to his new home?

This is his belly.....

Undo his ribbon....

Tie his shell around your wrist for a portable 'go anywhere with you' pincushion (you could tie it round your sewing machine too, for easy pin access !

And then you are left with....

A naked tortoise !!!

(or another, table top, pincushion!)

I'm glad my partner liked him and very glad that peanut liked his frog face!